QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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Service, support and functionality in general from QTH.com are truly top-notch and professional in every aspect. Customer support comes from real experience, while being refreshing and suprisingly responsive. Definitely a needle in a haystack.

Dan Simmonds KK3AN

Great support that is always there for us. Could not ask for a better hosting provider.

Ken Florences, Cloud9ers Soaring

Over the five years I've been a QTH.com customer, you have been very responsive to my questions and accommodating to my hosting interests and needs. Thanks for putting together a great service at a great price!

Ethan Miller, K8GU

Your web services are top-notch. Thanks for the great support.

Jim Reisert, AD1C

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH.com is simply the best kept secret on web hosting. Having used close to 20 web hosts over the years, I can say with certainty that QTH's service and support is the best I have worked with. I now use QTH for my own website and most all of my clients' websites.

Scott Bernadot

We started our web presence with QTH.com back in 1996 and have been very happy ever since. Thank you for the great service.

Bob Raymond, DXTreme Software

I have a number of websites at QTH.COM. Their customer service is quick and knowledgeable when you need it. Highly recommended.

John Rice, SUHFARS

SUPER prompt service, with attention to detail, while providing clear, easy to understand instructions. Highly satisfied. I could not ask for more.

James Richards

Thanks for your excellent service over the past 9 years. I would recommend your hosting and web services to anyone needing web site hosting for their small business or group.

Gary Sutcliffe, Unified Microsystems

Your service is great and your price is unbelievable. Thank you!

Bob Lancer, Parenting Solutions